midwifery updates

Traveling [future] Midwife

Well, I’m sitting in an airport again, waiting to board another flight! After it not even being an option for so long, I’m surprised it’s not especially surreal. I’ve been in the U.S. for about a month now, where my family has loved on me so well. I had hoped it would be restful, and was so grateful for the kind feedback when I had asked for wisdom about taking a break from my time in the Philippines; it has been even more refreshing than I expected, and full of so many memories and conversations that have reminded me of the rest and joy God offers through family and friends. 

The trip here was long and a little lonely, but felt like the blink of an eye once I arrived. My grandparents greeted me in the airport close to midnight with big, bright sunflowers. Does it get better than that? ; )

Chilly walks around the new campground where my parents just arrived…

This time, I’m headed to Seattle, Washington. Just before I left the Philippines, I was offered the chance to visit with a midwife on the West Coast to shadow and glean some wisdom and insight from her practice and heart for families. It took some quick decision-making (and my family was beyond helpful with figuring out flight re-arrangements), but my biggest feeling as I prayed about it was how grateful I am for the opportunity, and how quickly God provided insight and resources to move plans around. My time here stateside will be quite a bit extended from my original plans, which does cause some anxiety and dynamic changes as my classmates remain back in the Philippines – but I am quite grateful for quickly provided prayer and insight. 

I am really looking forward to the chance to see a new dynamic during my time there in WA – I’d been around birth and family health care a bit before leaving the first time, but since beginning formal training, I’ve not practiced in the States. I know how different it is from my time in the clinic in Davao. I hope that both will be integral in how I serve in the long-term; if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it is the need for love and safety by all families and mothers—even if they are in different cultures with varying privileges and lifestyles. I hope that each opportunity I get to serve will influence the next in a way that builds not just medical knowledge, but a new perspective into the nuances of growing families and welcoming life into the world. 

My momma asked me a few questions recently – what am I looking forward to, most nervous about, and hoping to “bring with me” as I go? To that last one, my first response was, “peace.” After we shared a delayed laugh, I was thinking… I don’t feel that’s something that I myself possess or, “offer,” but it is something I’ve seen God use to change not just birth, but relationships and out-of-control scenarios. Within this work there are chaotic times and ones that are already calm – but both can benefit, I think, from a sort of steadiness… an attitude of stillness with determination. Education is an important factor in helping cope with fear, along with focusing on the peace Christ offers in situations. Times that I’ve seen this play out well are when I am able to be a listener (to the Lord, the head midwife, a mom and her support, my peers…), when I’m looking to learn, and when I let myself be joyful even in tedious or daunting moments. These are easy to say, and almost cliche maybe, but take mindfulness to let happen. 

All that to say, I am slightly anxious to jump into the newness of this, but also trying to remember the tools I can make use of to be honoring of the opportunity and time — and enjoy meeting and loving on some sweet families while I am here! I will try to post some photos throughout my time… I know it will be beautiful. 

two of the best siblings that brought me tons of laughter while home.

Please pray with me as I jump back into academics and a fast-past time of being on call in WA, and always for the ladies and ministry back in the Philippines. I am missing them and can’t wait to rejoin… and also sooo grateful I can be committed to and enjoy this time here. 

a quiet library for new books – have you ever read Elisabeth Elliot’s “No Graven Images” ?

Lastly ~ a praise for the funds God has rapidly brought in this month! The matching grant offered to me was met (and surpassed!) faster than I could believe. Praise the Lord for his provision! Visit my page to see the progress here… and know that you have been such a support to me in this season. I feel so well taken care of, and know without a doubt that I am to keep moving forward in faith — while doing something that brings me joy. To God alone be all the glory. 

anna cherie